Other Deseret Fonts


These are various Deseret Alphabet Fonts that I have collected. They all have Bee Font counterparts

The Letter Dee

Bee Skep Serif. The Bee Font counterpart is AdamicBee. This was the second Deseret Alphabet Font I became aware of, and this is the font that inspired me to begin making my own fonts. If you open this font, or use it, you can see several mistakes (white spaces in the letters where there shouldn't be white spaces.). AdamicBee was the first font that I made, and reflects my corrections to Bee Skep Serif (as well as the addition of some additional letters). To make the corrections I used Font Creator. Initially my only interest was in fixing the problems with Bee Skep, but my interest grew and now I am an amateur typographer.

Code 2001. The Bee Font counterpart is HoneyBee. This is quite a nice font. It has the Deseret Alphabet letters in their Unicode positions only.

MPH 2B Damase. The Bee Font counterpart is TumbleBee. This font has the Deseret Alphabet letters in their Unicode positions only. The letter shapes are quite rough, and two letters are missing (oi and yue).

Deseret(1). The Bee Font counterpart is ReaderBee. I understand this was the font used in the movie Plan 10 From Outer Space.

Deseret (2). The Bee Font counterpart is DeseretBee. As you can see, this font is certianly a bit rough.

Deseret(3). The Bee Font counterpart is HoneyBee. This font uses the letter designs found in Code2001 above.

HuneyBee. The Bee Font counterpart is HoneyBee. This was the first Deseret Alphabet Font that I was aware of, and I used it for quite a while before I started making my own fonts. I still like it quite a lot. This font also uses the letter designs found in Code2001 above.

Analecta. The Deseret letters in this font are essentially the same as those in Code2001, but the letter forms have been compressed somewhat so they are a bit shorter. There have also been a few minor changes made. The closest Bee Font is HoneyBee. This font was made by George Douros.